Industrial Ethernet vs. Fieldbus Networks Which is More Reliable?

September 01, 2021

Industrial Ethernet vs. Fieldbus Networks: Which is More Reliable?

Welcome to our latest comparison blog post! Today we will be diving into the world of Industrial Automation to compare the reliability of Industrial Ethernet vs. Fieldbus Networks.

Industrial Ethernet

Industrial Ethernet is a network communication standard that is commonly used in industrial settings. It is based on Ethernet technology which is widely used in office and home networks. Industrial Ethernet networks are known for their high-speed data transfer rates and their ability to handle a large amount of data.

Fieldbus Networks

Fieldbus Networks are another type of network communication standard used in industrial automation. They are known for their simplicity and ability to handle complex device communication. Fieldbus Networks have been commonly used in industrial automation since the early 1990s.

Reliability Comparison

When it comes to reliability, both Industrial Ethernet and Fieldbus Networks have their pros and cons.

Industrial Ethernet Reliability

Industrial Ethernet networks are known for their high reliability due to their ability to handle a large amount of data and their redundancy features. Redundancy allows for a backup network to take over if the primary network fails. This feature is vital in industries where downtime can result in significant financial loss.

Fieldbus Networks Reliability

Fieldbus Networks are also known for their reliability due to their simplicity and device communication capabilities. In comparison to Industrial Ethernet, Fieldbus Networks are easier to configure and maintain.


It is difficult to determine which network communication standard is more reliable as both have their pros and cons. At the end of the day, the best network communication standard for your industrial automation needs will depend on your specific requirements.

We hope this comparison blog post has shed some light on the reliability of Industrial Ethernet and Fieldbus Networks.


  • "Industrial Ethernet vs. Fieldbus Networks: An Overview." Automation World (2021).
  • "Industrial Ethernet vs. Fieldbus: The right network for the right application" Control Engineering (2021).

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